
Getting Started#

Thank you for showing interest in dash-tools! To set up your environment, run the following commands:

# in your working directory
$ git clone
$ cd dash-tools
# install the package
$ pip install . --upgrade
# install testing resources
$ pre-commit install
$ pre-commit run --all-files

What to contribute#

Found a bug? See something you aren’t a fan of? Want to propose an addition? Here are some common contributions and good places to start.


  1. Templates are found in the dash_tools/templating/templates/ directory. When a user chooses a template with the name <Template Name> the template will be copied to their system. For example, if they run dash-tools --init MyDashApp default, the default template will be used, which corresponds with the dash_tools/templating/templates/default/ directory.

  2. Adding a new template to the templates directory requires adding the new template to the Enum list in Template Enum. The Template directory name must match Enum value, eg. ‘DEFAULT’ template uses the /default template directory.

    class Templates(Enum):
       DEFAULT = 'default'
       MINIMAL = 'minimal'
       NEWTEMPLATE = 'newtemplate'
  3. Any file names or files containing the strings {appName} or {createTime} will be formatted with the given app name and creation time. Eg. # Created on {createTime} will copy to the user’s filesystem as # Created on 2022-03-30 22:06:07

  4. All template files must end in .template

Write Tests#

Pytest is used for testing (see Tests). Unittests are needed to verify code works as intended. Unittests would be a great place to start, as they will make you familiar with the repo and are needed to promote code quality.

Add to Common Errors and Troubleshooting Section#

Common errors and troubleshooting README section should be the first place dash-tools users look when they encounter an error. By contributing to this readme section, you are helping ease the pain of problem solving.


Pytest is used for testing. Most of the time, you will want to just run a few relevant tests and let GitHub actions run the whole suite. pytest lets you specify a directory or file to run tests from (eg pytest tests/unit).

Unit Tests#

For simple API changes, please add adequate unit tests under /tests

Financial Contributions#

This project is sponsored by helpful people like you! Please feel free to reach out directly to or Donate if you would like to help out this project. Thanks!